Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Integrating Computer Technology into the Classroom Chapter 12: Reflection

1)      What can I do to “get ready” for a lesson *in which my students use computers?

Follow these Step by Step Rules:
·        Prepare Handouts and Guides
o   Make Checklists and Guidelines to for students to follow, keeping them enaged and on task
·        Prepare Assessment Tools
o   Decide the type of assessment/ product for proof of student learning
·        Prepare Technology
o   Create templates
o   Bookmark important sites
o   Identify elements to be used and implemented

2)      Where does the “computer part” come when I am teaching a lesson?

The NTeQ model for “during computer use” allows students to use the computers as a source of engagement.  The educator determines what product the students will be creating and will partner it with a technology resource tool that will help create the product.  The students may be creating a presentation to present their information, they may be inputting data, or they may be typing their thoughts.  The students could also use computers as a source of drill and practice, meaning that they are using the technology to help learn and memorize a set of information.

3)      How do you ensure equal access for all students with only three computers?

The educator could use rotational groups, allowing students to work on various before computer activities, after computer activities, planning activities, and enrichment activities.  The students could be on a daily routine, working weekly to complete a project.  An educator will learn to accommodate for the lack of technology, by using it in a rotational pattern such as this.  They will incorporate various activities that do not require technology, to connect with the activities that do.

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